About the Couple

Jessie and Steve first met in the fall of 2002 while attending the University of Wisconsin - Madison (Jessie's freshman year and Steve's sophomore year).

Jessie's roommate Natalie had befriended some of Steve's hometown friends during a long-distance learning class that Natalie had taken in high school. When Steve was in need of girls to fill out his coed, intramural ultimate frisbee team that fall, his friends invited Natalie and Jessie to join the team. Thankfully, they accepted and on a cool night at the University Bay fields, Jessie and Steve met for the very first time.

They became fast friends thanks in large part to their mutual passion for music and found themsleves going to concerts together on a regular basis. Their paths continued to cross everywhere from house parties to the volleyball courts; they even lived on the same dorm floor for a while.

Jessie and Steve remained friends through separate relationships until it all changed during the summer before their final year at UW. A casual exchange of emails while Jessie was studying abroad in Spain sparked what was to become a blossoming relationship upon her return to campus later that fall. Five years later the rest is history.

How he proposed

Moab, Utah offers a wide array of attractions for the outdoor enthusiast. Hiking, biking, unparalleled natural beauty and now, for Jessie and Steve, a weekend of memories that will last a lifetime. Early October of 2010 was already a time of celebration due to Jessie's and two close friends' birthdays all falling in the same week. Such a cluster of occasions, and the need for a proper farewell to summer, led to the planning of a group camping trip to the red sands and rocks of Moab. After a fulfilling weekend of hiking on the primitive trails of Arches National Park, disc golfing, campfire games and cliff diving, Sunday came and the group parted ways.

On the way out of town, Steve suggested a stop at the Castle Creek Winery for an intimate birthday dinner. After a wine tasting session and a romantic meal overlooking the beautiful Colorado River, Steve led Jessie down to the river's edge. With the sun setting and the horizon ringed with illuminated thunderheads, he dropped down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Through tears of joy, she happily accepted.

Contact Info

Steve: steveklay@gmail.com 608.695.0121

Jessie: jessielwilliams@gmail.com 608.843.0313

Mailing Address: 34323 Hwy 6 #208, Edwards, CO 81632